Breast Feeding - Why ? When ? and How? - Dr. Farhath Thara MBBS, PGDFM and FCD(Family Physician and Diabetologist)

Breastfeeding facilitates a close bonding between the mother and her baby.

Breast Feeding - Why ? When ? and How? - Dr. Farhath Thara MBBS, PGDFM and FCD(Family Physician and Diabetologist)
What is breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding, also called nursing, is the process of feeding a mother's breast milk to her infant, either directly from the breast or by expressing (pumping out) the milk from the breast and bottle-feeding it to the infant.
There are various that are associated with breastfeeding. Let's us see them one by one.
Exclusive breastfeeding
Infant receives only breast milk (Including breast milk that has been expressed) and nothing else. ( Except for ORS , medicines , medicines and minerals when indicated).
Supplementary Feeding
Feeds given instead of breast feeds in children who need breast feeds.
Complimentary Feeding
Feeds provided in addition to breast feeding. This describes the food given in addition to breast feeds after six months of age.
Mixed Feeding
Infant receives breast milk and any other food or liquid including water, non- human milk and formula before 6 months of age.
 Artificial Feeding
Infant is fed only on a breast-milk substitute.
Formula Feeds
Artificial milk feed for babies made out of a variety of products, including sugar, animal milk, soy bean and vegetable oils. They are usually in powder form, to mix with water.
Breast Milk Substitutes
Any food being marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or total replacement for breast milk , whether or not suitable for that purpose.
Transition of the baby from breast feeding or bottle nursing and commencement of nourishment with other food.
Physiology Of Lactation :
The most effective and specific stimulus to prolactin release is feeding the baby. Maternal nutrition, age, body composition and parity have only secondary impact.
The sight or cry of the infant can stimulate the release of oxytocin but not prolactin.
Why Breast Feeding ?
Advantages of Breastfeeding to the child;
Nutrition :
The rate of physical and brain growth of the babies occur maximum during the first years of life. Breast milk gives complete nutrition during the first  6 months and forms an important source of nutrition during the second year of life. It contains protein, fat rich in essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, lactose in the right proportion. It also offers vitamins, iron, water, salt, calcium and phosphate in the right proportion required by the baby. The lipase in the breast milk helps in the proper digestion of fat.
Immunity :
Breast milk has anti-infective factors. These factors protect the baby from diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), pneumonia nad ear infections.
The bifidus factor in the breast milk helps in the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus in the intestine which prevents the growth of other harmful bacteria in the gut.
Lactoferrin in breast milk binds with iron which prevents the growth of some harmful iron consuming bacteria like E. coli.
Bile salt stimulated lipase (BSSL) kills amoeba and giardia.
Para amino benzoic acid (PABA) gives protection against malaria.
Breast milk is rich in sulphur containing amino acids. It is also rich in taurine which is an important neurotransmitter and neuro modulator for brain growth.
Other Advantages:
Allergic disorders like eczema and asthma are less in breast fes babies.
The risk of lymphoma is reduced.
Because of sucking at breast, the configuration of jaw is better.
Caries teeth are less common.
Incidence of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and coronary artery disease in later life are reduced.
Advantages to the Mother
Convenient and readily available.
Risk of breast, ovarian cancers and osteoporosis in later life are reduced.
When baby is put to breast soon after delivery, it causes uterine contraction which reduces the risk of postpartum bleeding.
The mother who breastfeeds regains her body contour faster than a non-breastfeeding mother.
Breastfeeding woman gets a sense of calm and satisfaction.
Breast milk is cheaper than artificial milk.
An exclusively breast feeding mother has 98% protection from pregnancy during the first 6 months due to production of appropriate harmones . However she sshould be advised to use one of the contraceptive methods acceptable to the couple.
Advantages to both Mother and Child
Breastfeeding facilitates a close bonding between the mother and her baby.
Breastfeeding - When ? 
Breast feeding should be initiated preferably within 30 minutes of delivery .
when a mother has had a caesarean section, baby should be put to breast even before the mother comes out of anaesthesia. Baby can be placed on pillow raised to the level of her breast for convenient positioning while she is lying down. 
Breastfeeding - How ?
The best position for the mother to breastfeed the baby is in the sitting position. It prevents problems like aspiration. But if a mother is unable to sit up, she can feed the baby lying down.
There are 5 steps in breast feeding :
1. Correct positioning the baby
2.Correct latching of the baby
3. Sucking and Milk-let down
4. Unlatching the baby
5. Burping
1. Positioning the baby
There are various ways to position the baby. The mother can choose what suits her best.
A. Cradle hold
In this position, mother holds the baby across the lap with the same as the breast from which the baby is feeding. This is a good and a comfortable position to feed.
B. Cross cradle Hold :
In this position, mother holds the baby across the lap with the opposite arm of the breast from which the baby is feeding.
C. Football Hold:
In this position, mother dolds the baby on one side , supporting him with the same arm as the breast.
D. Lying down:
This position should be for mothers who have had a caesaream section or are too sick. It is better to feed the baby in a sitting position. In this position, there is a chance of the milk going into the eustachian tube of the baby and cause ear infection.
2. Latching the baby onto the breast:
Babies have the natural instinct to latch on to the mother's breast and the mother has to guide and support the baby well. In order to feed well, the baby needs to use his tongue to scoop in a big mouthful of breast. The baby's lower lip and tongue need to get to the breast first, and make contact with the breast as far from the base of the nipple as possible.
The nipple will then be right at the back of his mouth at the point where the hard roof of his mouth gives way to the soft area. With a mouthful of breast heldtight inside his mouth, the baby will be able to use his tongue amoothly and rhythmically against the under surface of the breast, and remove milk from the mother's breast.
3. Sucking and milk let-down
When the baby latches on well and sucks, the message goes to the anterior pituitary which secretes prolactin. Prolactin stimulates the gland cells in the breast to secrete milk. Sometimes it may not look like the mother's breast is full of milk but the baby sucks well and is satisfied and gains weight. This is because as the baby sucks more and more, messages are continuously sent to the brain and there is continuous milk let down.
4. Unlatching the baby:
When the bay finishes feeding, he unlatches from the breast. If the mother wants to stop feeding anytime while the baby is sucking , she needs to unlatch the baby very gently because the  baby, as you have seen earlier has taken so much of the breast tissue in its mouth and is holding it quite tight inside while feeding. Usually the baby will unlatch himself when he is satisfied, but if the mother needs to stop breastfeeding in between, she should do so by putting firm pressure on the baby's cheeks, instead of pulling the baby suddenly off the breast as it can injure nipples.
5. Helping the baby burp :
Some babies can swallow air during feeding which can make them uncomfortable . The mother can help a baby bring this air up if she holds him/her on her shoulder or chest and rub his/her back or rub his/her back while he/she sits or lies tummy down on mother's lap.

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