How does pregnancy effect the mental health - M.Z. Rumi Rahman M.Sc. (Psy), MD (Acu), MBA, PG Dip in Counselling Psychology, Early Child Care Therapist, Ph.D

Mental health issues during pregnancy which needs professional help - Anxiety, lingering sadness, loss of interest in activities ,feeling of guilt, shame and worthlessness

How does pregnancy effect the mental health - M.Z. Rumi Rahman M.Sc. (Psy), MD (Acu), MBA, PG Dip in Counselling Psychology,  Early Child Care Therapist, Ph.D

Pregnancy, birth and parenting are pivotal events in a woman’s life and are considered biopsychosocial events. Once a woman has been pregnant, there is no turning back to a pre pregnant psychology. Pregnancy is viewed as a development task, a time of crisis, and a critical phase by different social scientist. For many women, pregnancy is also an opportunity for growth and reworking of self-concept.

All women experience pregnancy both physically and emotionally. The neuroendocrine and the biological changes that occur during pregnancy have profound psychological effects on expectant mothers. During the first trimester, a woman’s feelings are related to physiologic changes (nausea, fatigue) whereas during the last trimester anxiety related to the approaching birth becomes predominant emotion.

Probably the biggest emotional challenge you will face is that pregnancy is so unknown. You don,t know how you will feel or what birth will be like, or what you may experiene along the way. Try to accept the unknown , take each day at a time. If it helps read as much as you can, about what to expect during pregnacy, child birth  and parenthood. 

Pregnancy and its attendant hormonal changes can have a significant impact on moms-to-be and their mental health. It’s normal for a pregnant woman to experience a wide range of emotions from joy, and excitement to bouts of anxiety and mood swings.

Paying attention to any emotional and psychological changes during and after pregnancy can help keep mother and the baby safe and healthy.


Here are some ways in which pregnancy can impact a woman's mental health:


  1. Hormonal Changes: During pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur, including increases in oestrogen and progesterone. These hormonal fluctuations can affect mood and emotional well-being. Some women may experience mood swings or increased emotional sensitivity. 


  1. Psychological Adjustment: Pregnancy is a major life transition, and many women experience a range of emotions as they come to terms with this new phase of life. Anxiety and concerns about the upcoming responsibilities and changes can contribute to stress. 


  1. Depression: Pregnancy can increase the risk of depression. Women with a history of depression, as well as those experiencing difficult life circumstances or lack of social support, may be more vulnerable to antenatal (before birth) and postpartum (after birth) depression.


  1. Anxiety: Some level of anxiety during pregnancy is common, but excessive worry, panic attacks, or obsessive thoughts can be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Conditions like generalized anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder may become more pronounced during pregnancy. 


  1. Body Image Concerns: Changes in body shape and size during pregnancy can affect a woman's body image and self-esteem. This can lead to body dissatisfaction and contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.


  1. Stress: Stress during pregnancy can be caused by various factors, including financial concerns, relationship issues, and worries about childbirth. Chronic stress can impact a woman's mental health and may even affect the health of the developing foetus. 


  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Women who have had traumatic experiences in the past, such as a previous difficult childbirth or a history of sexual abuse, may be at higher risk of developing PTSD symptoms during pregnancy.


  1. Support and Coping: Social support from partners, family, and friends is crucial for a pregnant woman's mental well-being. Lack of support or negative relationships can increase the risk of mental health issues. 


  1. Pregnancy Loss and Complications: Experiencing a miscarriage or complications during pregnancy can have a profound impact on a woman's mental health. Grief, sadness, and anxiety are common reactions in such situations.


  1. Hormonal Changes After Birth: The postpartum period is another critical time for a woman's mental health. Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the challenges of caring for a newborn can contribute to conditions like postpartum depression and anxiety.

All women experience pregnancy both emotionally and physically. The neuroendocrine and biologic changes that occur during pregnancy have profound effects on expectant mothers. During the first trimester, woman’s feelings are related to physiologic changes (nausea, fatigue), whereas during the last trimester anxiety related to the approaching birth becomes predominant emotion. A woman’s socioeconomic status, her number of previous births and her personality type can affect the extent of these emotions as well as her ability to cope with them. Several studies have reported that pregnant women with high levels of anxiety are more likely to experience obstetric complications. Others have demonstrated improved post-natal adjustments with moderate levels of anxiety. Thus the psychological elements relating to pregnancy that appear to affect pregnancy and childbirth include the personality and the emotional disposition of the woman, the psychosocial background of the woman and the life events that occur during pregnancy.

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